Authoritative certification - nature mattress won the "recommended brand of home green environmental protection"

作者 vch12515804 发布于 2022-01-22 00:00 阅读 106

Recently, the green leading project led by China Quality Certification Center and red star Macalline group was officially announced. Nature mattresses won the honor of "recommended brand for home green environmental protection".


The "leading brand of home green environmental protection" project is jointly built by red star Macalline and China Quality Certification Center to select the leading brand / recommended brand of home green environmental protection for consumers. The project was evaluated by industry experts as "the selection of green environmental protection evaluation system covering the whole field of home decoration and representing the highest level of the industry", and it is also a high-quality award recognized by consumers and the whole industry.


The selection relies on the four link selection system of factory source quality sampling inspection, factory quality assurance ability inspection, market terminal sampling inspection and market consumer feedback. Under the guidance of more than 10 experts, the National 500 + commodity inspectors assisted in sampling 20000 + times, and finally came out. Nature mattresses deserve this honor with their strong brand strength!


With the upgrading of consumption and entering the post epidemic era, green, health and environmental protection have become the primary focus conditions for consumers to select products and brands, and have become a new driving force for home decoration brands to grow and advance on the road of green, environmental protection and sustainable development.


As the advocate of ecological sleep and the health brand of CRRC group, nature mattress has always adhered to the product concept of "nature, health, safety and environmental protection". For more than 30 years, we have been making full use of the achievements of Chinese science and technology to build a model of green health care, and at the same time, we have been making every effort to build a good sleep and health care model for the Chinese nation.


In the future, nature mattresses will continue to adhere to the original intention of environmental protection and the bottom line of quality, deeply cultivate the innovative research and development of green household products, and help the green development of the household industry with natural and healthy green products and high-quality services!

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