2022 China's home consumption trend - nature mattress won the title of furniture brand loved by consumers

作者 vch12515804 发布于 2022-02-25 11:51 阅读 200

Recently, under the guidance of China Building Materials Circulation Association and jointly sponsored by home decoration industry, China Hadoop big data and fangtianxia, the results of "2022 research on China's home consumption trend and release of typical sample enterprises in the industry" were released in Beijing. Relying on the love of consumers, nature mattresses were selected as "typical sample enterprises in the furniture industry" with super combustible brand heat and industry influence, and won the title of "2022 furniture brand loved by consumers".


With the theme of "promoting the healthy development of the home industry and leading rational consumption", the 2022 research on China's home consumption trend takes ten indicators, including comprehensive network attention, internet word-of-mouth evaluation, brand sales data, sales terminal data, consumer purchase demand, opinions of insiders, professional editor evaluation, product operator consumption trend research, designer product word-of-mouth evaluation, product use word-of-mouth and so on, Carry out quantitative and qualitative analysis on relevant industries, obtain professional research results, and select the mattress brands loved by consumers by synthesizing various data and analysis. Promote the brands to the majority of consumers through objective and professional analysis and guidance. While guiding consumers' consumption, establish industry benchmarks and brand awareness, and strive to make the whole home market develop in a healthier and standardized direction.


This time, nature mattress won the honor of "2022 furniture brand loved by consumers" again, and stood out from many brands, which once again proved the strength of nature mattress brand and showed the excellent quality and popularity of nature mattress.


Nature mattress has focused on the field of ecological sleep for 33 years. It has been leading the industry with the concept of "nature, health, safety and environmental protection" and achieved proud achievements. It is inseparable from the attention to quality, brand and service.


In recent years, the market scale of brown mattress industry has been expanding under the influence of nature. As the forerunner of China's mattress industry and the ecological brand of CRRC, nature mattress has always been strongly promoting the development of the industry. For many consecutive years, it has led the national sales and served tens of millions of families, which has been highly praised by consumers. At present, nature mattresses have laid out more than 1500 stores across the country, which are unanimously favored by dealers.

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